Follow the Joy

Plein air painting was my new adventure in 2019. Coming up in March 2022 at KORE Gallery, my painting friends and I will be having an exhibition of plein air landscapes.

My new adventure for 2022 is community theatre! I get to sing and act for a musical at Shelby County Community Theatre. The main point of this Kentucky-centered musical is the joy we find through musical expression.

How often do we get to do those things which bring us great joy?

Here lately I’ve been following a dream which I once was to too timid to admit. From the time I was a little girl and my third grade teachers put me on stage in front of dozens, maybe hundreds of people to sing a solo, I have loved performing. But it has taken me becoming a grandmother before I had the guts to admit it. Performers are not necessarily extraverts—quite the opposite in my case. And with my upbringing, beyond singing in church, it was considered selfish or self-centered to even think about such things as becoming an actress or professional singer. Let’s just say I had issues. But now, I am having the time of my life.

So I wonder, can this apply to you? Is there something you’ve dreamed of doing, but you were too shy or embarrassed to try? Do you think you’re too old to begin something new? I did, but I also realized I’m not getting any younger by waiting!

If joy isn’t enough to get you going, how about health? I’ve been studying books about staying sharp as we age. The doctors seem to agree that challenging ourselves by learning something new can truly help our brains stay healthy as we get older.

For whatever reason, for joy or for the sake of your health, try something new this year—and enjoy it!


Plein Air Group Show


Art in 7 Places