Thankful for Painted Doors
This image is from one of my plein air paintings of the old railroad bridge across the Ohio River at Louisville, KY. It’s part of a project called “Alley Gallery” in downtown Louisville.
The Louisville Downtown Partnership is asking artists for photos of their work to use on doors of businesses in downtown Louisville. Business owners choose from a catalogue of artwork, and a printing process I don’t fully understand is used to apply the photo to the door.
The artist is paid for the use of her work, and she gets to keep the work. The city is beautified and the business gains a unique entrance. This program is called “Alley Gallery.” I love this idea because it’s a creative win-win program.
I’m grateful for the times in my life, whether it’s business deals or in relationships, that are win-win, blessings-all-around kind of situations. With a little more thought and creativity, this could happen more often. It’s possible to encourage and bless others as we take care of our own interests as well. Treating others with respect as we pursue our own goals and needs makes for healthy relationships.
Creative ideas such as this one can help the city thrive. I don’t have the answers to all of our problems, but I believe creativity is needed. Through more creative programs like Alley Gallery, our city can grow and the people of our city can be lifted up. May we all strive for lifting others up with us, instead of propagating the myth that my gain must be someone else’s loss. Thank you, LDP, for this wonderful program.